SynopsisL-Glutamine, short as Gln, is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It is responsible for transporting nitrogen into your muscles. Glutamine also plays a large role in metabolism, the functioning of your immune system, protein synthesis and energy restorat.....
Synopsis Solar Control Window Films is a highly engineered, optically clear, polyester film composite. It undergoes various treatments to provide safety, security, solar control and decorative enhancements for building and transportation glazing. .....
SynopsisDaidzein is an isoflavonoid phytoestrogenic compound found in soybeans, pea pods, clover, kudzu, and other legumes. They can use in food field, health product field, cosmetics field, pharmaceutical field, etc. Soy is the major source of extracting Daidzein glo.....
SynopsisRare earth polishing powder, is also called Cerium Polishing Powder and Cerium Oxide Polishing Powder, which mainly contains cerium oxide. It reacts with the surface to produce a complex Cerium-Oxygen-Silica compound softer than glass, this softer surface laye.....
SynopsisA calibration gas is a reference gas or gas mixture used as comparative standard in the calibration of analytical instruments, like gas analysers or gas detectors. Therefore, a calibration gas has to be of a precisely defined nature or composition, like zero g.....
Synopsis Stainless steel contains a maximum of 1.2% carbon, a minimum of 10.5% chromium (standard EN 10088-1) and other alloying elements. The presence of chromium confers on stainless steel its principal quality: its corrosion resistance. The .....
SynopsisButyl Adhesives are produced from butyl rubber which is a copolymer of Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber. Butyl Rubber is a synthetic rubber and manufactured by polymerization of about 2% of isoprene with 98% of isobutylene. It can be produced from the monomer isobu.....
SynopsisThermal lamination film is a decorative film that has been extrusion coated with a thermal adhesive, low temperature melting resin or EVA (Ethylene Viny Acetate), so that a heated lamination nip roll will activate the adhesive layer causing the film to adhere .....
SynopsisDithiocarbamate fungicides are a group of non-systemic (surface acting) fungicides. EBDCs active ingredients approved for use are mancozeb, thiram, propineb and others. The most EBDC usage is mancozeb. The global Dithiocarbamate Fungicides market was val.....
SynopsisAnthracite, commonly known as hard coal or called Anthracite, has the highest carbon content, the fewest impurities, and the highest calorific content of all types of coal. Anthracite has advantage characteristics, such as coal-low sulfur, high carbon content .....