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Food & Beverages Market Reports

SynopsisMargarine is a substitute for butter, prepared from vegetable and animal fats by emulsifying them with water and adding small amount of milk, salt, vitamins, colouring matter, etc. For the definitions and criteria of margarine, there are distincti.....

No Of Pages : 124
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisFloriculture is a branch of horticulture addressing flower and ornamental plant cultivation and propagation of flowering plants for gardens, greenhouses, nurseries and landscapes comprising the floral industry. Floriculture crops include bedding plants, housep.....

No Of Pages : 137
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisFrozen potato based products are used in almost every part of the world in restaurants, fast food outlets, small & large scale stores and others. The different process involved in the manufacturing of the products are washing, stone removing process, peeling, .....

No Of Pages : 125
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisButter is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. It is generally used as a spread on plain or toasted bread products and a condiment on cooked vegetables, as well as in cooking, s.....

No Of Pages : 128
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisThe global Strawberry Products market was valued at US$ million in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ million by the end of 2027, growing at a CAGR of % during 2021-2027. This report focuses on Strawberry Products volume and value at the global level, .....

No Of Pages : 103
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisInsect feed refers to animal feed developed from insects. There are more than 500 kinds of insects that can be used as feed in the world, many of which are rich in nutrition and high in protein. They can be used to replace fine feed to feed livestock, poultry .....

No Of Pages : 111
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisAnimal Feed Supplements are enzyme supplements, phosphate, calcium and trace mineral mixtures that can be given to grazing animals during the dry or rainy season. These animal feed supplements can be mixed with fodder and have an extra shelf life. Animal.....

No Of Pages : 122
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisReady-To-Drink Tea refer to Tea-based or tea-flavored beverage in a ready-to-drink format. It can come in different flavor variants, such as black, green, red, oolong, jasmine, and fruit among others. Among them, green tea-based RTD tea is performing well as i.....

No Of Pages : 100
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisMaltodextrin is a polysaccharide that is always used as a food additive. It is produced from various starches, such as corn, rice, potato, wheat, mandioc etc, by partial hydrolysis with the value of DE below 20%. And it is usually found as a white hygroscopic .....

No Of Pages : 136
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisSyrup by boiling or other technology made of thick sugar solution containing a high concentration. Manufacturing raw materials can be sugar syrup, cane juice, fruit juice or other vegetable juice. Due to a very high sugar content of the syrup, in a sealed cond.....

No Of Pages : 116
Publication Date: Dec, 2021
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00