Synopsis Blockchain technology can be described as a digital and distributed ledger for transactions wherein the duplicate copies are maintained on the network of all the members. The global Blockchain in Energy market was valued at US$ 509.1 m.....
Synopsis The global Software Asset Management market was valued at US$ 1243 million in 2023 and is anticipated to reach US$ 2252.6 million by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 8.4% during the forecast period 2024-2030. North American market for Softwa.....
SynopsisThe Electronic Accessories for PC include Display, Mainboard, Graphics Card, Memory and so on. Electronic Accessories for PC are important component of computers. The global Electronic Computer Accessories market was valued at US$ 877 million in 2023 and.....
Synopsis Identity theft is a crime, a type of fraud in which an imposter steals individual information of another person (or a company) and uses it by pretending to be someone else in order to gain some benefit (e.g. money or goods). An identity theft ca.....
SynopsisTime and attendance software is a type of business application designed to track and optimize the hours that employees spend on the job and keep records of wages and salaries paid. This type of software is common in businesses of all sizes. The global En.....
SynopsisCrypto currency mining refers to the principle of block chain technology which includes the assembling of transactions into blocks and then executes multiple computations, which further seal those blocks. The main advantage of cryptocurrency mining is that it .....
SynopsisPhotorelays are a type of photocouplers consisting of an LED optically coupled with a MOSFET. Photorelays offer many advantages over mechanical relays such as long service life, low-current drive and fast response. Photorelays are widely used for contact switc.....
Synopsis5G technology is the fifth-generation wireless technology, which is in its developmental stage, and is expected to be commercialized in the coming two to three years. The technologys operational speed is expected to be several times faster than the existing wi.....
Synopsis This report studies the Medical Scheduling Software market, this software includes a lot of medical use scheduling software, like for doctors, patients, operating room, surgery, emergency scheduling etc. The global Medical Scheduling S.....
SynopsisBackground Screening is the process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records, and financial records of an individual or an organization. Background Screening is often requested by employers on job candidates for employment screening, es.....