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IT & Electronics Market Reports

SynopsisMulti Service Fabric Switch is originally a Nortel line of routers, historically called Passport, designed for carrier core and edge routing. They run the Passport Carrier Release operating system. The MSS has a significant installed base, with over 40,000 swi.....

No Of Pages : 87
Publication Date: Aug, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

Synopsis Biometric smart cards are a type of smart card that incorporate biometric technology for authentication purposes. These cards typically contain a microchip that stores biometric data, such as fingerprints, iris scans, or facial recognition data......

No Of Pages : 105
Publication Date: Aug, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00

SynopsisPatch clamp assay services refer to the scientific techniques and services provided by specialized laboratories or companies that offer patch clamp experiments. Patch clamp is a widely used electrophysiological method to study the electrical activity of indivi.....

No Of Pages : 90
Publication Date: Aug, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 2,900.00