SynopsisScreening means checking your body for cancer before you have symptoms. The global Cancer Testing & Screening market size is expected to reach US$ million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of % from 2023 to 2029. The market is mainly driven by the significant a.....
SynopsisTissue Expanders involve expansion of the breast skin and muscle using a temporary tissue expander. A few months later, the expander is removed and the patient receives either microvascular flap reconstruction, or the insertion of a permanent breast implant.
SynopsisKnee and hip are complex joints in the body. The knee joins the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia), whereas the hip joint is a ball-socket synovial joint formed between the os coxa (hip bone) and the femur. To treat knee and hip disorders, implants an.....
SynopsisBalloon kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive treatment for spinal compression fractures (also called vertebral compression fractures of VCFs). Kyphoplasty is similar to vertebroplasty; the main difference is that kyphoplasty uses a small balloon that gently lif.....
SynopsisCranial implants are the implants used during cranial reconstruction procedures after cranial defects. Cranial defects are generally caused by injury, infection, or malignancy. Defects lesser than 3 cm in diameter do not need reconstruction and are generally r.....
SynopsisElectroencephalogram (EEG) is used to diagnose brain disorders and visualizes the activity of the brain during a seizure. EEG evaluates people who are suffering from brain problems such as coma, confusions and tumors, difficulties in thinking and memory and we.....
SynopsisSleeping sickness is a disease caused by infection with the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma brucei gambiense or the closely related subspecies T.brucei rhodesiense. The global Sleeping Sickness Testing market size is expected to reach US$ million by 202.....
SynopsisHPV infectionscaninfect thegenitalareasof menincludingtheskinonandaroundthepenisoranus. Theseinfectionscanalso bespreadto themoutHandthethroat. EvenwhenHPV infectionsarepersistent to themalepopulationandcancauseseverediseasessucHasgenitalwarts, analcancers, pe.....
SynopsisHematology is defined as the diagnostic classification of cells present in the blood and resulting identification of diseases of the blood-forming organs and diseases of the blood. It includes the calculation of WBC, RBC, and platelets. The global Hemato.....
SynopsisNicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a medically-approved way to take nicotine by means other than tobacco. It is used to help with quitting smoking or stopping chewing tobacco. It increases the chance of quitting smoking by about 50% to 70%.Often it is used .....