SynopsisHormones released by thyroid gland play a crucial role in stimulating metabolism, growth, and calories processing. Globally, thyroid gland disorders such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid nodules affect around 5% to 10% of the population. Hyperth.....
SynopsisHSI is also known as imaging spectroscopy was originated from remote sensing and has been discovered for various applications by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It has an advantage of acquiring 2D images across a wide range of electro.....
SynopsisBioprocessing equipment is used in industries Including bioengineering, pharmaceuticals, personal care and other advanced hygiene,which contacts with products,、raw materials 、 product media and play a key role in production processing. The global Bioproc.....
SynopsisThe global immunodiagnostics market is in the moderate growth stage. The integration of mature clinical chemistry analyzers and restricted specificity and sensitivity of immunoassays have generated demand for integrated immunochemistry analyzers. The increasin.....
SynopsisStools tests are performed to diagnose the GI tract disorders and aid in the detection of parasites infection, bleeding obstruction, and inflammation. Stools tests can further be utilized for diagnosis of colorectal cancer or presence of pathogens such as Rota.....
SynopsisGlobal cardiopulmonary stress testing systems market is mainly driven by the rising demand for high value low volume products, and increasing innovations in the new product launches. The market is witnessing growing trend of introduction of wireless devices, a.....
SynopsisBlood pressure transducers are the machine used to measure venous and arterial blood pressure. Blood pressure transducer is a lightweight and small machine containing a lean flexible metallic diaphragm linked to straining device through inductive connection. T.....
Synopsis Pediatric brain tumors are masses or growths of abnormal cells that occur in a child's brain or the tissue and structures that are near it. Many different types of pediatric brain tumors exist — some are noncancerous (benign) and som.....
SynopsisNecrotizing fasciitis (NF), commonly known as flesh-eating disease, is an infection that results in the death of the body's soft tissue. It is a severe disease of sudden onset that spreads rapidly. Symptoms include red or purple skin in the affected area, seve.....
SynopsisThree dimensional (3D) bioprinting is the utilization of 3D printing and 3D printing–like techniques to combine cells, growth factors, and biomaterials to fabricate biomedical parts that maximally imitate natural tissue characteristics. Generally, 3D bioprinti.....