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Life Science Market Reports

SynopsisBlood clotting or coagulation, is an important process that eliminates excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is damaged. Platelets and proteins work together to stop the bleeding by forming a clot over the injury. Blood clottage is one of the mechanisms that .....

No Of Pages : 99
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisBone grafts and substitutes (BGS) comprise the products that are used for the replacement of missing bones or to repair bone fractures. BGS are widely used in hip, foot and ankle surgeries, fractures and bone injuries. Bone graft and substitutes usually includ.....

No Of Pages : 94
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

Synopsis The mAbs, which are produced by genetic engineering, target antigens in cells, tissues, and organs. They are used in clinical applications to treat diseases with excellent efficacy and minimal side effects. Their MOA, absence of generic pathwa.....

No Of Pages : 74
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisNystagmus is a condition of involuntary eye movement, acquired in infancy or later in life, that may result in reduced or limited vision. Due to the involuntary movement of the eye, it has been called "dancing eyes". The global Nystagmus market size is e.....

No Of Pages : 87
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisAmbulance is a vehicle for transportation of ill or injured people to, from or between places of treatment for an illness or injury, and in some instances will also provide out of hospital medical care to the patient. The global Ambulance and Emergency E.....

No Of Pages : 102
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisAscites is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Liver cirrhosis is the most common case of ascites. Its presence is a sign of significant portal hypertension. The global Ascites Treatment market size is expected to reach US$ million.....

No Of Pages : 87
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisAcne is considered to be among the topmost prevalent diseases in the world. The inflammatory acne segment is the largest acne type segment in the global acne treatment market. The average age of onset of acne has reduced from 14-15 years to 11-12 years due to .....

No Of Pages : 60
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisMetagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. The broad field may also be referred to as environmental genomics, ecogenomics or community genomics. As the price of DNA sequencing continues to fall, metagenomics no.....

No Of Pages : 104
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisTissue ablation is the process of destruction of diseased tissues to prevent disease proliferation. Tissue ablation uses radiofrequency electric current, microwaves, laser, and ultrasound to destroy diseased tissues, which is why it becomes a preferred choice .....

No Of Pages : 60
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00

SynopsisA pacemaker is a small device that sends electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate and rhythm. Pacemaker generates an electrical impulse that passes through the leads (wires) to the heart muscles. This causes the heart muscles t.....

No Of Pages : 92
Publication Date: Dec, 2023
Single User Price : US$ 3,350.00