SynopsisImmune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Treatment is any of a group of conditions or diseases that lack a definitive etiology, but which are characterized by common inflammatory pathways leading to inflammation, and which may result from, or be triggered by, a d.....
SynopsisA lower GI series is a procedure in which a doctor uses x-rays and a chalky liquid called bariumto view your large intestine. The barium will make your large intestine more visible on an x-ray. The two types of lower GI series are a single-contrast lower GI se.....
SynopsisA Patient lift hardnes is an assistive device that will help a caregiver transfer a patient, with limited mobility, from the bed to a chair and back. The global Patient Lift Harnesses market size is expected to reach US$ 1234.4 million by 2029, growing a.....
SynopsisCatheters are the tubes which are made from medical fine grade materials such as silicon rubber, plastic, nylon or PVC for multiple functions. Catheters are inserted into the patient’s body to diagnose the disease or perform surgical procedure to treat the dis.....
SynopsisAntiplatelet drugs are wrongly referred to as the blood thinning drugs. They don’t thin the blood but instead interfere with the important process by which blood clots. Antiplatelet agent normally decrease the clumping of blood cells thereby decreasing the pot.....
SynopsisType 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and/or gradually loses the capacity to produce enough insulin in the pancreas. We do not know what causes type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is associ.....
SynopsisBronchodilators is the medication that is taken to improve breathing and are used for treating breathing related symptoms that are associated with allergic reaction. It is also used for expanding the airways and improving the breathing capacity function of pat.....
SynopsisSwine health is associated with the diseases caused due to pigs and the development of therapeutics to prevent the related ailments and disorders. Pig breeding can lead to many diseases such as reproductive disease and congenital malformations. Hence, governme.....
SynopsisHuman leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is used to match patients and donors for bone marrow or cord blood transplants. HLA are proteins -- or markers -- found on most cells in your body. Your immune system uses these markers to recognize which cells belong in yo.....
Synopsis3D printing first got widespread public attention in 2013, when it was specifically mentioned by President Obama in his State of the Union Address. 3D printing is a manufacturing process where an object is created with the help of a layer-by-layer material app.....