SynopsisSodium hyaluronate eye drops are also known as 'artificial tears'. They are used to relieve eye dryness and soreness. Global Sodium Hyaluronate Eye Drops key players include URSAPHARM, Santen, Bayer Inc., Bausch & Lomb, Johnson & Johnson, etc. Global top.....
SynopsisEnteral feeding device is a medical device which delivers nutrition or medications directly in the stomach or intestine. Enteral feeding devices are commonly used to feed the specialized diets in elderly or bedridden patients suffering from chronic ailments. .....
SynopsisVaccines are used to prevent diseases by invoking an immune response to an antigen, the foreign part of a bacteria or virus that the immune system recognizes. Conjugate vaccines combine a weak antigen with a strong antigen as a carrier so that the immune syste.....
SynopsisIngestible sensor is a disruptive technology in disease diagnostics, monitoring, and management. In simple terms, they are ingestible electronic devices, roughly the size of a medicine capsule, composed of biocompatible materials that make up a power sup.....
SynopsisFlower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health.They can address imbalances on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. Vendors should recognize the importance.....
SynopsisPowered Wheelchair is a motorized wheelchair, powerchair, Powered Wheelchair or electric-powered wheelchair (EPW) is a wheelchair that is propelled by means of an electric motor rather than manual power. Motorized wheelchairs are useful for those unable to pro.....
SynopsisErgothioneine is a naturally occurring amino acid and is a thiourea derivative of histidine, containing a sulfur atom on the imidazole ring. This compound is made in relatively few organisms, notably Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and certain fungi. Glob.....
SynopsisEndoscope optics objectives can achieve a minimum diameter of 0.8mm and a field of view of 170 °. For a micro optical lens system, it creates a diaphragm by chromium plating directly on the lens surface. A pinhole diameter as small as 0.1mm can also be provide.....
SynopsisPet pharmaceutical refers specifically to medicines given to pets. In terms of the purpose of use, pet drugs are mainly used by dogs and cats. Through drug prevention and treatment of pet diseases, the cure rate of pet diseases can be improved, the physi.....
SynopsisHome Cold Light Teeth Whitening Apparatus contains a molded flexible circuit with activating light and heat that, when placed into your mouth, accelerates the Whitening Gel on your teeth. Global Home Cold Light Tooth Whitening Apparatus key players inclu.....