SynopsisProsthetic is a functional replacement for an amputated or congenitally malformed or missing limb, including upper body prosthetic and lower body prosthetic. More specifically, body prosthetics are applied in the hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation center and o.....
SynopsisA drug-eluting balloon is a non-stent technology in which the effective homogenous delivery of anti-proliferative drugs is processed by the vessel wall through an inflated balloon. This is done to restore luminal vascularity in order to treat atherosclerosis, .....
SynopsisEnteral feeding device is a medical device which delivers nutrition or medications directly in the stomach or intestine. Enteral feeding devices are commonly used to feed the specialized diets in elderly or bedridden patients suffering from chronic ailments.
SynopsisProtein purification is a series of processes intended to isolate a single type of protein from a complex mixture. Protein purification is vital for the characterization of the function, structure and interactions of the protein of interest. The starting mater.....
SynopsisElastomeric pumps are disposable, non-electronic medication pumps that deliver fluids such as analgesics, antibiotics, etc. into a patient’s body in controlled amounts. The required pressure for administrating the drug comes from the elastomeric layer existing.....
SynopsisCryolipolysis is a kind of selective and non-invasive method to make the new technology of local fat loss, you use frozen de-fatting special sensor, location selected area, combined with vacuum technology, capture, subcutaneous tissue for selective cooling, th.....
SynopsisMesalamine, also known as Mesalamine, or 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), is a medication used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It is generally used for mildly to moderately severe disease. It is taken by mou.....
SynopsisMRI magnet shimming coil is a kind of shimming coil, which can improve the homogeneity and evenness of the main magnetic field. In order to prevent imaging distortion, many MRI systems require shimming coil with high sensitivity for correction. Global MR.....
SynopsisThis report mainly studies cardiac ablation market. Cardiac ablation is a procedure to scar or destroy tissue in your heart that is allowing incorrect electrical signals to cause an abnormal heart rhythm. United States is the largest consumption place, w.....
SynopsisLaser marking machine is a type of machine that use laser beam to make permanent marking in various surface materials. The top 10 companies had a combined market share of 56% of the global total in 2018, and this trend is expected to continue during the .....