Synopsis Cardiac disease is a condition that involves narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. Cardiac disease is caused due to heart rhythm problems, smoking, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, peri.....
Synopsis Coccidiosis is an infection of the intestinal tract of animals which is caused by coccidia protozoa. The disease is characterized by invasion of the intestinal wall by the protozoa. Coccidia undergo several stages of growth and multiplication. C.....
Synopsis Oxygen therapy, also known as supplemental oxygen, is the use of oxygen as a medical treatment. This can include for low blood oxygen, carbon monoxide toxicity, cluster headaches, and to maintain enough oxygen while inhaled anesthetics are given.....
Synopsis Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is a medical equipment that durable, can be used in the home and have at least 3 years of life expectancy. The prevalence of chronic conditions, such as heart disorders, cancer, gynecological disorders, an.....
Synopsis Cardiopulmonary Autotransfusion System is a sophisticated device with an exceptionally effective design that provides autologous blood during surgical procedures. Autotransfusion is a process wherein a person receives their own blood for a trans.....
SynopsisGlaucoma is an ocular disease which affects the optic nerve of the iris and progression of the same results in vision loss and blindness. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), glaucoma is the most cause of blindness across the world. Currently, the.....
Synopsis Adhesives and sealants are used during surgical procedures to reinforce surgical wounds, repair injured tissues, or even replace common suturing techniques. These products can be used as adjuncts to sutures to prevent air and liquid leakages. Th.....
Synopsis Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery (both methods are used) that deals with the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eyeball and orbit. Ophthalmic Equipment are the tool used for ophthalmology. The growth of this market is.....
Synopsis Digital Patient Monitoring Devices committed to provide medical services to home with a chronic illness. Increase as the number of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, while increasing demand for the real-time monit.....
Synopsis A pacemaker is a small device that sends electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate and rhythm. Pacemaker generates an electrical impulse that passes through the leads (wires) to the heart muscles. This causes the .....